The Bellingham Podcast
Bellingham Podcast
Ep. 109 "Bored? Push play..." #watchfam #local

Ep. 109 "Bored? Push play..." #watchfam #local

It's shunned by society, yet necessary for the creative process. It's something we endured so much as youngsters, and never seem to experience as grown-ups. Am we boring you yet? If so, GOOD! We're going to explore the life changing magic of boredom and if and where if belongs in our daily life.

What's on wrist:

Big shout out to watchfam and friend of the show @ea8, for sending us two absolutely killer handcrafted watchstraps.
“I am a one man shop making bespoke leather goods, mostly watch straps. See something you like or have an idea hit me up on @eA8” (

How we dealt with boredom as young chaps


* Probably why I find clarity in the an only child in growing up in the sticks you have three options:
* Fish
* Hike (Mountains)
* Horse
* ...and if none of that helped your boredom, or if you dare say that to your father, then a magically option (or secret menu) number four got created. Hammer in hand...there was always something to be built (probably why my personality is always geared towards tinkering).


Growing up in Sequim, only child, multiple-mile bike ride away from friends

* Watched a LOT of TV
* Built spaceships with my huge Lego collection.
* Read many sports magazines
* Organized my sports cards. By year. Numerically.
* High school - learned electric guitar

Places to be bored around Bellingham and Whatcom County


* Whatcom Falls :trail system (

* Big Rock Garden

* When a photog feel boredom

* (Analog Explorer) Analog photography- now with a vintage (1981) Canon AE-1P


* Taylor Dock
* Tom Glenn Common
* Fairhaven Village Green benches

Boredom in the 21st Century

* Bored and Brilliant ( - Manoush Zomorodi
* The Power of Boredom ( - Mark Hawkins
* The Science Behind How Boredom Benefits Creative Thought ( - Fast Company
* How Being Bored Out of Your Mind Makes You More Creative ( - Wired

The Bellingham Podcast
Bellingham Podcast
Pacific Northwest aficionados, AJ Barse and Chris Powell are your hosts each week talking about their views and interests in technology, travel, gear and watches. Or, put another way, "PNW life and views from the city by the Salish Sea."
The Bellingham Podcast is recorded in or on location in or around the City of Subdued Excitement, Bellingham Washington. This show is also available on-air on Bellingham's KMRE 102.3FM.