The Bellingham Podcast
Bellingham Podcast
Ep. 119 "Save Money on Cellular on an MVNO":Making Cents #tech

Ep. 119 "Save Money on Cellular on an MVNO":Making Cents #tech

Feel like your wireless bill is a bit high? Chris and AJ do another cellular MVNO roundup. Want to hear about some other options on cellular carries that use the same network you are currently use? Tune in and see if any of these might save you some coin in that monthly budget.

Chris going anti-Prime

He and wife didn't renew annual Prime $120 fee. Continuing with base Amazon account: $5/shipping, 5-7 business days.No more Wile E. Coyote Acme company delivery.

MObile PHone Carriers

The Big 4 - AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint.

Funny math, Multiple distractions on website. (Netflix, Hulu, Tidal, Amzn Prime, emojis, dancing people having fun with their phone)

Leasing Phones - $30-$50/month, 24-month contract = $720 to $1200 for a phone. And that's on top of your data plan.

Nice to see “global roaming” included on some carriers. #Canada
Nice to see “flat fee” (?) on some carriers.


US Mobile
Cricket - Chris' family: 5GB LTE data per line, 2GB speeds after 5GB quota reached. No additional overcharges. $40+$30+$20 = $90 out the door.
Mint Mobile
Google Fi
Virgin Mobile

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The Bellingham Podcast
Bellingham Podcast
Pacific Northwest aficionados, AJ Barse and Chris Powell are your hosts each week talking about their views and interests in technology, travel, gear and watches. Or, put another way, "PNW life and views from the city by the Salish Sea."
The Bellingham Podcast is recorded in or on location in or around the City of Subdued Excitement, Bellingham Washington. This show is also available on-air on Bellingham's KMRE 102.3FM.