The Bellingham Podcast
Bellingham Podcast
Ep. 146 "Stress'n"

Ep. 146 "Stress'n"

On this episode, AJ and Chris go a little personal and talk about stress. Both of them are fighting terrible chest colds so don't adjust your radio, AJ's vocal range is an octave lower, and Chris is the human manifestation of bass.

Listener shutouts :

* Shout out to newly launched Zulu Time Podcast 🇬🇧

* Mention on Two Broke Watch Snobs. Ep 162 “Instagram trends that need to die”

*AJ & Chris’s personal notes*
-AJ been dealing with some stress within the family, seeing good colleagues have to seek medical help caused by stress. Been a rough winter.

-Chris has reached a level of patience, understanding, empathy, and grace in dealing with clients at their worst, but it erodes.

-CanvasInsider.Blog and podcast, episode 009 just hit the airwaves

*So what actually IS stress (*
“Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous.
Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand. In short bursts, stress can be positive, such as when it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline. But when stress lasts for a long time, it may harm your health.“
two main types of stress:

* *Acute stress.* This is short-term stress that goes away quickly. You feel it when you slam on the brakes, have a fight with your partner, or ski down a steep slope. It helps you manage dangerous situations. It also occurs when you do something new or exciting. All people have acute stress at one time or another.
* *Chronic stress.* This is stress that lasts for a longer period of time. You may have chronic stress if you have money problems, an unhappy marriage, or trouble at work. Any type of stress that goes on for weeks or months is chronic stress. You can become so used to chronic stress that you don't realize it is a problem. If you don't find ways to manage stress (, it may lead to health problems.



* the headaches, the excessive drinking or self soothing, etc
* Be aware about how you take it out on other people/family/ your friendly neighborhood techs that JUST want to get you to happy hour sooner.
* Over doing your self to “take out your aggressions” ie through physical activity
* Over use of caffeine?

*What we do*

Mental North
Mental day away
"Chill Hop music"
Find one small thing to look forward to, to help get over the hump
via AJ’s wife: steam off: (Aston University Birminham UK) (Harvard)

Integration, left-right-left-right. Dog walks, walking outside in the fresh air.
Visualizing the 10-foot-fogbank. View things from the client’s perspective.
Perspective. Are lives in danger? What is exactly at stake with the stress? Then-what exercise.
Ambient waves of sound to let my mind process.

In the darkest hours, the struggle is to keep on pushing, to keep on advancing ...Carrie Mae WeemsAmerican photographer, artist

Find us on the Web

AJ: (
Chris: (

“Community-Powered KMRE, 102.3 FM airing our show Saturday at 3pm and streaming worldwide at” (

The Bellingham Podcast
Bellingham Podcast
Pacific Northwest aficionados, AJ Barse and Chris Powell are your hosts each week talking about their views and interests in technology, travel, gear and watches. Or, put another way, "PNW life and views from the city by the Salish Sea."
The Bellingham Podcast is recorded in or on location in or around the City of Subdued Excitement, Bellingham Washington. This show is also available on-air on Bellingham's KMRE 102.3FM.